Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Weeks Bay Foundation Photography Contest

 Eastern Shore dwellers have the pleasure of witnessing the sun setting over Mobile Bay every evening. When I first moved to the Eastern Shore, I would take dozens of sunset photos at a time. I was smitten with the dazzling array of pastels painted across the horizon -- a new and unique canvas with every passing day.

It wasn't until I started kayaking that I saw the sun rising over rivers and other coastal bodies of water. A sunset is soothing and tranquil, but a sunrise is invigorating. I'm an early-to-rise type of person. I've always enjoyed waking before dawn and listening to the birds greeting the sun. Being present for a sunrise while out on the water awakens my senses and makes me feel alive and excited for a new day filled with new opportunity and adventure.

I submitted a photo of one such invigorating sunrise to the Weeks Bay Foundation photography contest this past fall, and to my surprise the photo placed first in it's category!

The Weeks Bay Foundation will be using my photo in their publications in 2019. If you have photos that you'd like to submit, sign up for their newsletter here and keep an eye out for the annual photography contest. There's always a fun and exciting way to help the conservation efforts of the foundation. Signing up for the newsletter will help keep you informed of all upcoming events and activities.